1000 Yard Winners and Records
Shooters using Lilja barrels at the Missoula, Montana 1000 yard Club that won their relays in either group or score using Lilja barrels at the March match included Shawn Williams, Ken McAlpin, Carson Lilja, and David Torgeson. Great shooting guys!
1000 Yard IBS Nationals, held in Missoula Montana
Ken McAlpin took 3rd place in light gun with a 3 Target group Aggregate of 3.8917″ and a 3 Target score Aggregate of 47.667″
.50 caliber 1000 yard:
Martin List placed 5th in the 4 gun at worlds, Shirley List placed 9th in two gun. Excellent shooting yet again from the Lists!
Ronnie Blades 2018 World champion Heavy Class Score winner – 289/300 9X
Shirley List at a 50 BMG match in Reno on 8/17-18 she came in 1st overall on 2 gun, then a match following that weekend she was 2nd place in 2 gun and 1st in score.
Martin and Shirley List and Ronnie Blades took Heavy Class score and group and Unlimited score and Ronnie took 2nd in Unlimited group in the Fall match at Shreveport.
Ronnie shot a 285 score and 9.469 inch average group in Heavy and a 296 (my best) score and 8.990 inch average group in Unlimited. This put him in first place for the 2-gun match winner. Overall group average was 9.226 on 12 targets!
After that match Ronnie has 496 rounds through our barrel. “The barrel once again is shooting very good. Can’t wait for next year to see how well it does.” says Ronnie.
Here are some pics of Martin, Shirley and Ronnie.

Martin List was the 2-Gun winner at the 2017 FCSA .50 caliber World Shoot in Raton, New Mexico! Martin did his own gunsmithing and used Lilja barrels in his win. Details to follow.
Two Gun World Champion!
Heavy Class Group – 3rd Place
Heavy Class Score – World Champion!
Unlimited Class Group – 4th Place
Unlimited Class Score – World Champion!

Mario Madunic shot the smallest group for heavy class at the 2017 FCSA World Championship in Raton. Mario shot a 4 1/16″ group.
Shirley List set a new Heavy Class .50 BMG Range Record at the Nebraska range in June of 2017. Shirley fired a 5X-50, and scored a 289-12X using cutting edge bullets. Excellent shooting by Shirley, who has been tearing up the field this year!
Martin List took 1st in Unlimited class, shooting a 289-9X. Great shooting by Martin as well!
2015 .50 Caliber World Championship Match results, Raton NM
Ronnie Blades was the Heavy Gun winner using a Lilja Barrel, gunsmithed by Martin List. Ronnie also took Second in the Unlimited Gun, and Third in the Two-Gun results.
Mason Powell was the winner of the Two-Gun, also using a Lilja Barrel.
Patrick Bieck set a new 1000 yard Unlimited class .50 BMG record in FCSA compeition shooting at the Nebraska range in August of 2014. Patrick fired a 5-shot group of 2.045″using a Lilja barrel gunsmithed by Martin List and using Cutting Edge Technology bullets.
Nicole Hagadorn was the winner at an F-Class match held at the Deep Creek Range near Missoula Montana over the September 25-26th weekend. Nicole even beat her gunsmith/father Tim in the match. Since we first posted this win Nicole’s score has since been determined to be a new national record. Congratulations Nicole. For more on this story –Click Here

Nicole Hagadorn with her F-Class trophy.
The 2009 Season:
Mike Anderson of Helena, Montana replaced his stock Remington barrel with our 30 inch, three groove heavy barrel – chambered for .308 Winchesterby Capital Sports in Helena Montana. He then competed in the long range championshps held at the Deep Creek Range, located west of Missoula. The 2008 match was on September 27, 2008 and the 2009 match individual match occurred on September 26. Mike won both F Class events!
Says Mike: “This rifle is now incredibly accurate and when I do my part will consistently print sub .5 moa groups and several groups have measured .3″ or less. I managed to win the last two Montana State Long Range (F-Class, TR) matches. I’m absolutely certain I could not have accomplished this without your barrel and thank you for manufacturing such a fine product.”
Sam Hall wins the IBS 600 Yard National Championship again! Same writes in an e-mail:
Just wanted you to know I won another (2 in a row) IBS 600 Yard National Championship using a Lilja barrel. It was in Fort Pierre S.D. on Sept. 12-13. I now have won the 2 gun overall championship in 2008 and 2009. I was using a 31 inch fluted, straight 1.25 diameter Lilja on my Heavy Gun in standard 6BR with a .268 neck. My rifle was a BAT MB action in a weighted Shehan Tracker ST-1000 weighing in at 28lbs. Leupold 40x Competition. I have set several world records with this barrel and now 2 National Championships. It has never let me down and just keeps on “drilling” small groups. I now only pull it out for major matches it is so good!

The 2008 Season:
Sam Hall sets 2008 Long Range 600-Yard Records:
4/26/08 Samuel Hall 600-Yard 2-Gun Group Agg New Record: 1.9544”
6/14/08 Samuel Hall 600-Yard HG Score New Record: 50/.918”
7/12/08 Samuel Hall 600-Yard LG Score Agg New Record: 196/1.8406”
7/12/08 Samuel Hall 600-Yard HG Score Agg New Record: 196/1.7882”
7/12/08 Samuel Hall 2-Gun Score Agg New Record: 392/1.8144”
7/12/08 Samuel Hall 2-Gun Group Agg New Record: 1.8144”

Sam Hall with his Lilja barreled rifle and some of the hardware he won in 2009.
The 2007 Season
Glen Sterling won the IBS 600 Nationals in September at the Varmint Hunter’s Headquarters in South Dakota. Glen won the Heavy Gun, both group and score, and placed 3rd overall in Light Gun. He won the the 2- Gun also. He used one of our 30 cal, 3 grooves on his HG. The first six targets were shot in tricky, but decent conditions, here are the numbers:
target 1 – 1.866 50 – 3x
target 2 – 2.460 48
target 3 – 2.352 50 -1x
target 4 – 1.591 49 – 1x
target 5 – 1.473 47 -1x
target 6 – 1.483 47
Targets 7 & 8 were shot in very windy conditions:
7 – 4.590 41 ( 4 are inside 2 inches- lost 1 to wind)
8 – 3.414 47 ( lost one to wind again!)
Says Glen:“Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks again, your quality is always appreciated.“
Glen Sterling won the unlimited class at this year’s Varmint Hunter’s Jamboree with one of our 30 cal barrels. For the 600 yard BR, won HG score, LG score at the club championship match at the VHA range with a different Lilja 30. Says Glen: “This barrel I use for that class is probably the best barrel I’ve ever had.” Glen’s friend John Griswold placed 2nd
with another Lilja barrel.
Larry Isenhour set a new IBS 600 yard record of .943″. For the complete story – Click Here
The 2006 Season
Lloyd Griswold, John Griswold and Glen Sterling are the shooters to beat at the Varmint Hunters 600 yard benchrest matches at Pierre, South Dakota. The guys are using Lilja barrels, of course, as they clean up in South Dakota. Here’s a link to the VHA match results – Click Here
The 2005 Season
Clark Moore reports: “Mr. Lilja, I’m just writing to let you know I used one of your barrels at the 25th annual Hickery Groundhog shoot this year. It is chambered in 22-250 Ack.” Clark shot well enough to be awarded first place. Great shooting Clark!
Kerry Vinson is the IBS 1000 Yard Shooter of the Year and he also broke the 10 match aggregate group record in Heavy Gun using an 11 twist 3 groove 30 caliber Lilja barrel!
At the Williamsport PA 1000 yard range Russell Hunkins and Roger Blain won relays at the August 6th & 7th match. Dan Frazier also won at the August 20th & 21st and September 10th & 11th matches.
At the Missoula, Montana 1000 yard range during the July 9th match Pete Berube and Bill Martin continued their winning ways using Lilja barrels.
Glen Sterling and John Griswold won the Open Class events at the Varmint Hunter’s 2005 Jamboree in Pierre South Dakota. Says John: “Just wanted to express my appreciation on your staff and quality of product. I recently won the 2005 VHA Jamboree open gun class using a 1.450” straight taper 30 cal Lilja barrel. The Nesika actioned 300WM was smithed byJerry Simison and is a real shooter. Thanks again for an excellent product and friendly staff.”. Glen also competed in the VHA run IBS registered 600 yard Benchrest matches Apr – Oct. and he won the heavy and stock classes and the 3-gun for the season.
Mark Shronce sets a new 600 yard score record in Heavy Gun at Hawk’s Ridge with a score of 208. Mark shot a 2.8″, 4 target agg. with a 1.5″ small group and a 199 score in light gun. Mark used a Lilja 6mm barrel chambered by Richard’s Custom Rifles
Kathy McRee squeezed off a 4.451” 10-shot group on June 12th setting a new Heavy Gun record for the Northwest 1000 Yard Bench Rest Club in Missoula, Montana. Kathy used one of our .30 caliber barrels chambered for the .300 Dakota. She also used a Nightforce 12-42 scope.
William Pyers, Dan Frazier, Russel Hunkins and Roger Blain won relays and shot very well at the June and July Williamsport, PA matches using Lilja barrels.
The Missoula, Montana 1000 yard range in June found Bill Martin, Kathy McRee, Gerry Geske, and Pete Berube won relays using Lilja barrels. Great shooting guys and gals.
Russell Hunkins won his relay at the Williamsport, PA May 8th match in Heavy Gun firing a 15.000″ group – an indication of the conditions that day. He used a 300 MC cartridge.
In the April 23rd match at Missoula, Montana Gerry Geske fired a very fine 5.175″ ten-shot group winning his relay. Gerry used a 2″ diameter Lilja barrel that he chambered for the 300 WSM. And at the same match in a different relay Kathy McRee fired a very nice 6.641″ group. Great shooting.
Williamsport, PA May 22nd Heavy Gun match saw Russell Hunkins win his relay with a 10.923″ group using a Lilja 300 MC barrel.
The 2004 Season
David Greene of Louisburg, Kansas won the following events at the St. Louis Inaugural 600 yard match: Heavy Gun Small Group, Heavy Gun Grand Agg, Light Gun Grand Agg, and Two-Gun Grand Agg. using a Lilja barrel.
Scott and Kathy McRee from Post Falls Idaho had a great season at the Missoula 1000 yard range this season. For a complete rundown on their shooting in 2004 – Click Here
Missoula, Montana August 14,15th and 28th matches: Shooters using Lilja barrels that won their relays include Mike Tromell Gerry Geske, Scott Nix, Jay McMunn John Burres, Pete Berube, and Kathleen McRee. Great shooting guys & gals.
Williamsport August 15th 2004 Thomas Murtiff wins his relay in the Heavy Gun Class with a fine 6.948″ 10-shot group.
Virginia State: Robbie Robinson took home the 1000 yard Light Gun Championship trophy using one of our 30 caliber 11″ twist 3-groove barrels and he also won the North Carolina State Score Light Gun Championship with the same rifle!
Missoula, Montana Scott Nix sets a 6-group score agg record in the 16.5 pound class of 96.127 using one of our barrels. Great shooting Scott!
Missoula, Montana June 12th & 13th. Jay McMunn and Pete Berube were relay winners. And in the July 10th & 11th Missoula match Scott McRee, Jim DeGregorio, and Scott Nix were winners as well. Scott McRee fired a very impressive 5.482″ group with his 6.5-284 barreled Heavy gun.
Williamsport, PA July 3rd and 4th. Thomas Murtiff and Dan Frazier fired a couple of impressive 10-shot groups in the Heavy Gun Class winning their relays. Dan fired a sub half MOA 4.930″ group and Thomas an 8.772″ group! Great shooting.
Missoula, Montana May 22 & 23rd. Scott and Kathleen McRee shot very well over the weekend. Scott fired a sub 5″ group with a 4.938″ 10-shot group in the Heavy Gun class using a 6.5 Lilja barrel! And in the 16.5 pound class Kathleen fored a 8.414″ group! Kathleen also won a relay in the Heavy Gun class with a 7.042″ group using a Lilja .30 caliber barrel. And in the same match John Burres won a relay in the 16.5 pound class with a 8.629″ group shooting the 6mm Dasher. Pete Berbe won another relay in the Heavy Gun class using a Lilja barrel in .30 caliber firing a 8.169″ 10-shot group! Click Here for an image from the McRee’s.
Williamsport, PA June 6th Heavy Gun class saw Raymond Sweet firing a nice 6.025″ 10-shot group downrange and winning his relay. Raymond was using a Lilja .30 caliber barrel.
At the May match at Williamsport Dan Frazier continued his winning ways with a win in the Heavy Gun class. Dan shot a 8.003″ group using one of our .30 caliber barrels.
At the Missoula 1000 yard range Jim Barta won the April Heavy Gun match with a 6.340″ group using a 6mm Dasher chambered Lilja barrel. Great shooting Jim.
The 2003 Season
Blake Daniels‘ fantastic 2003 season – Click Here
In Washington State at their September NBRSA 1000 yard match, Kevin Watson shot a new NBRSA score record, 50-3x and the group went 2.3xx. He was using a Lilja 3 groove 6.5×284.

At the Tuscon Arizona Sahuaro 1000 yard Match held November 8th Jerry Reisdorff set a new 1000 yard NBRSA Heavy Gun record with a 10-shot group of 4.960″! Jerry used a .338 cartridge of his own design and one of our .338 barrels. He did his own gunsmithing work. Congratulations Jerry!
2003 IBS 1000 Yard Championship Match in Virginia Junior Shooter Barak Robinson was the Champ using a Lilja barrel! Other shooters winning their relays included Steve Shelp, Frank Grappore, Dennis Darnes, Tom Murtiff, and Justin Wyke.
Williamsport, PA Match 10, Dan Frazier continues to do well with his Lilja barrel.
At the NBRSA 1000 Yard Nationals in Byers, Colorado Duane Capehart of Montana came in first in the Heavy Gun 6-target aggregate with a score of 529.
.50 sniping by Canadian Special Forces Snipers during Operation Anaconda in Afganistan at distances out to 2430 meters! For more information Click Here.
Click here to see a 2.316″ 1000 yard group during break-in.
At the Hawk’s Ridge Club September and October matches the following shooters won relays using our barrels: Ray Lowman, Barry Umberger, Charles Wooyen, Blake Daniels, Joel Pendergraft, Lweis Winkler, Danny Brooks, and Kerry Vinson. Great shooting guys!
Williamsport, PA September 21st match. Tom Kenyon fired a 5.852″ 10-shot group in the Heavy Gun class using one of our barrels chambered for the 338/378!
At the Missoula 1000 Yard Range over the course of the 2003 season Bill Martin set a new Williamsport-Rules 6 match aggregate record in the Heavy Gun. Bill’s new record was 6.279″ using a Lilja .30 caliber barrel. Outstanding shooting Bill!
Williamsport, PA September 7th, Heavy Gun Class: Russell Hunkins shoots a 10 shot group of 5.648″ with a Lilja .30 caliber barrel and Dan Frazier fires a very nice 7.738″ 10-shot group also using a Lilja .30 caliber barrel. Great shooting and both of these guys won their relays.
The Missoula August 9th & 10th match proved good for shooters using Lilja barrels. Jim Barta easily won his relay and fired the smallest group of the weekend using the little 6mm Dasher cartridge in the Heavy Gun. Jim fired a 5.852″ 10-shot group. Others doing well and winning relays include Bill Martin, Terry Logan, Charles Vail, Mel Minder, Larry Kahle, and Mike Baldini.
Williamsport, PA range, August 17th. In the Heavy Gun class Jack Deppen and Russell Hunkins won their relays in the Heavy Gun with a 7.377 and a 6.335″ 10-shot groups.
At the Hawk’s Ridge Club June matches shooters using our barrels did very well at matches 6 & 7. Some of the shooters winning score or group in both Light Gun and Heavy Gun included: Lewis Winkler, Bud Diller, Ray Lowman, Steve Shelp, Kerry Vinson, Charles Sherin, Larry Jones, and Blake Daniels. Great shooting guys!
Williamsport, PA 1000 yard range: At the August 3rd match Russell Hunkins fired a very nice 4.568″ 10 shot group in the Heavy Gun competition. Great group Russell, using one of our .30 caliber barrels.
At the Missoula Montana July 12th match Bill Martin showed them how to shoot in the Heavy Gun. Bill won his relay with a 5.990″ group and then won the shootoff with a 7.500″. Bill used a .30 caliber Lilja barrel. Great 10-shot groups Bill.
Shooters using Lilja barrels at the Missoula, Montana 1000 yard Club that won their relays using Lilja barrels at the June match included John Burres, Jim Barta, and Bill Martin.Bill’s Heavy Gun 10-shot group was a remarkable 4.706″! Great shootings fellows.
At Hawk’s Ridge top shooters continue to do well with Lilja barrels too. In the Light Gun Class Steve Shelp, and Larry Bryant won relays in the May #4 match. And in Heavy Gun Class winners included Scott Fletcher, David Tooley, Danny Brooks, with Scott Fletcher winning the shoot-off too. In the May #5 match in Light Gun Susie Cainmwon her relay and the shoot-off. In the Heavy Gun at that match Blake Daniels and Kerry Vinson won their relays.
Virginia 1000 Yard Benchrest Club June 7th & 8th. Lilja barrels performed very well in the hands of the following riflemen who either won their relays in group or score: Dennis Darnes, Steve Shelp, Charlie Sherin, Tim Hutchison, Barak Robinson, John Reynolds, Robie Robinson, Billy Dale, Danny Brooks, Fred Dick,Larry Bryant, and Stanley Adsit. Great shooting guys!
Shooters at the Hawks Ridge Club using Lilja barrels have started out hot again this year. In the March match Shooters using Lilja barrels and winning their relays in score and group include: Susie Cain, Ray Lowman, Blake Daniels, Charles Wooten, Danny Brooks, Larry Bryant, and Kerry Vinson. Great shooting guys and gals.
At the Hawk’s Ridge April match more shooters using Lilja barrels won their relays. They included Steve Shelp, Ray Lowman, and Blake Daniels. Way to go guys.
The 2002 Season
The Hawk’s Ridge Gun Club has tabulated their 10 best groups and scores for both the Light Gun and Heavy Gun classes for the entire 2002 shooting season. Lilja barrels are represented very well with Firsts in score for both classes! In the Light Gun class Steve Shelp had a perfect 50 score, as did the other top ten score shooters, but combined with his 3.187″ 5-shot group fired at the same time, Steve was on top. In the Heavy Gun class Danny Brooks of Virginia fired a a perfect 100 (just 5 100’s in the top ten for the season) and combined with his 4.572″ 10-shot group Danny was first in group! In the group side of all these matches, Steve Shelp’s 3.187″ 5-shot group was second out of the top ten! And in the Heavy Gun class Danny Brook’s 4.572″ 10-shot group was the smallest fired the entire season! Scott Fletcher also had a group in the top ten of the seaon in the Heavy Gun class with a 7.751″ 1-shot group!
At the Hawk’s Ridge September match shooters using Lilja barrels and either winning their relays in group or score included Danny Brooks, Steve Shelp, Joel Pendergraft, and Scott Fletcher. Great shooting guys.
Junior shooter Barak Robinson fired a fantastic 3.361″ group at the 2002 IBS Nationals at Hawk’s Ridge over the August 31st / September 1st weekend. Barak fired the group using a .30 caliber Lilja barrel chambered for 300 Weatherby on a BAT action. great shooting Barak!
Other shooters doing very well with Lilja barrels at the 2002 IBS Nationals on Day 1 were Blake Daniels, Joe Cain and Michael Baldini who fired the smallest group in the Heavy Gun Day 1 match with an exceptional 5.075″ group and a score of 100! On Day 2 Charles Bailey fired a tiny 4.896″ group in Heavy Gun! Also winning their relays were Larry Jones, Scott Fletcher, Brian Lynch and Susie Cain. Great shooting!
The results from the Missoula, Montana May match show that Jay Buchanan won the 11 pound class on Saturday Bob Knowles won the Saturday Heavy class and Jim Craig won the Sunday Heavy class all using Lilja barrels. Thanks guys.
At the June, 2002 Williamsport, PA match the following marksmen won their relays using Lilja barrels: Jack Deppen, Terry Blain, Michael Baldini, and Dan Behmer. Excellent shooting guys.
At the 5th match at the Hawk’s Ridge Club the following shooters won their relays using Lilja barrels: Susie Cain, Steve Shelp, and Blake Daniels. Blake also won the Heavy Gun Shootoff taking all the marbles. Great shooting guys and gals.
At the first match of the season at the Hawks Ridge 1000 yard range the following marksmen won their relays with either the high score or smallest group. In the Light Gun Class:Danny Brooks, David Richardson, Gary Nolf, and Steve Shelp. In the Heavy Gun Class: Blake Daniels, Patsy Arrowood, and Joe Cain. Congratulations and thanks for choosing a Lilja barrel.
The following shooters won either the score or group measurment for their relay at the April 1000 yard match at Hawk’s Ridge, North Carolina: Lewis Winkler, Gary Nolf, Victor Fuller, and Joel Pendergraft in the Light Gun. And in the shoot-off Junior Shooter Victor Fuller beat all comers with a 6.336” group! In the same match, in the Heavy Gun class the following shooters won group or score in their relays too: Blake Daniels and Larry Jones. Blake Daniels also won the score portion of the shoot-off.
At the June matches at Hawks Ridge the following shooters won relays: Lewis Winkler and also the group shootoff with a 6.010” group, Danny Brooks ,Lewis Winkler a 3rd time,Brian Lynch, Joel Pendergraft, Patsy Arrowood, Steve Waldrep,Gary Blalock, Susie Cain, and Susie also won the shootoff with a 3.839” group! In match #4 at Hawk’s Ridge in the Light Gun class Danny Brooks and Joel Pendergraft won their relays and Danny Brooks won the shoot-off in score. In the Heavy Gun match Scott Fletcher and Danny Brooks won their relays and Danny again won the score portion of the shoot-off.
In the May 19th 1000 Yard Match at the Williamsport 1000 Yard match, Terry Blain and John Buhay won their relays for group. More match winners at the July 6th match includedJohn Buhay and Russel Hunkins.
At the July Williamsport, PA match Jeffery Pitaro won his relay with a very nice 6.039” group!
At the July Missoula, Montana match Jay McMunn won the 11 pound class and Barney Lawton won the Heavy class.
The August 4th Williamsport, PA match saw Dan Frazier shoot an outstanding 4.357” 10-shot group in the Heavy Gun class!
At the Hawk’s Ridge Nationals held the end of August Charles Bailey put on a new Lilja barrel and shot his first sub 5” group with a 4.896”! Combined with a 9” group he was second in the Heavy Gun.

At the Williamsport, PA August 18th match Roger Blain sot a very respectful 6.558” group winning his relay and Jeffery Pitaro fired a 6.885” group a couple of relays later in the Heavy Gun class.
In August at the Championship Match in Missoula, Montana, Jim Craig was the Heavy Gun Champion shooting a Lilja barrel ‘smithed by Jay McMunn. Great shooting Jim!
The 2001 Season
Larry Bryant fired his way to first place in the 6 Match Aggregate in the Virginia 1000 yard competition for the year with a 6.3881” average for the 6) 10-shot group matches! He used a Lilja 7mm – 9” twist barrel gunsmithed by Mr. Larry Cribbs from the Beaver Pond in Oregon. Larry also won the IBS Hunter Nationals as noted below!
Dan Frazier and Dave Stiffler were the big winners at the May match of the Williamsport, PA 1000 Yard Club. Dan started out by firing the small group of the day with a very nice 5.516” 10-shot group in the Heavy Gun Class. Dan also won the shootoff with a 7.448” group. In the 16.5 pound class Dave shot the small group of the match, a 7.504” cluster, and also fired high score with a 97.And in the shoot off Dave won in the group with a 9.938”. We’re proud to say that both shooters used .308 caliber Lilja barrels.
Terry Blain fired the small group for the day at the Williamsport 1000 yard match on June 24th, 2001 with a very nice 5.710” group! She fired a .308 Baer cartridge chambered by Bruce Baer.Nice shooting Terry.
Dave Stiffler and Josh Packard were small group shooters at the 2001 World Open at the Williamsport, PA 1000 Yard Club. Dave fired the small group in the 16.5 pound class on July 7th with a nice little 7.673” group from his Lilja barreled 300 Win Mag. Josh was the Junior Class Heavy Gun Champion for group with an excellent 7.293” group.Way to go guys!
Danny Brooks repeated his 2000 performance and won the IBS Nationals Heavy Gun.Danny put on a new Lilja .30 caliber barrel this summer and in his first match, the IBS Nationals, fired his best ever 10-shot group of 4.672” and a perfect score of 100. Excellent shooting Danny.
Danny Brooks went on to the 2001 Virginia 1000 Yard Nationals at Quantico on the 1st and 2nd of September and won the Virginia Nationals as well in the Heavy Gun class. Danny’s agg. was a fine 6.244”!Great season Danny, and all with a Lilja barrel!
Dan Frazier won another Heavy Gun match at the Williamsport, PA 1000 yard club by winning his relay and then the shootoff during the October 7th, 2001 match. Dan used one of our .30 caliber barrels chambered by for the 300 Weatherby.
High Power Competition
Kent Reeve set a new North Carolina state record in High Power competition over the Memorial Day weekend.Kent says: “My 6.5mm Lilja barrel broke in with very little copper fouling. I shot the barrel in the North Carolina State Championships and had a personal best with it.My score was 991-52x out of a possible 1000 points and set a new state record.Thanks for making a quality product!”
Mark Pharr won the Texas State 4-Gun Silhouette Championships hosted by the Central Texas Silhouette Association.Mark fired scores of 29, 29, 33 and 31 to cinch the 4-gun. He used one of our 7mm barrels chambered for a 7mm-08 cartridge.
Mark Pharr repeated his winning ways in Louisiana in early September by winning the State 4-Gun Silhouette Championships there as well. Great shooting Mark!
The 2000 Season
Charles Bailey of East Spencer, North Carolina is the 2000 IBS Shooter of the Year! Charles finished up the season with two sub 6” groups.He also set a new 10-match score aggregate record of 90.2 and a 6-match score aggregate record of 96.16!And of course Charles used a Lilja barrel while he shot his way to these two new records and Shooter of the Year.
At the North Carolina 1000 Yard Range Joel Pendergraft has turned in 5.652″ and 5.692″ groups. At the same range Gary Blalock posted a 5.510″ target.
Dan Frazier of Pennsylvania fired a 5.740″ 10-shot group in the Heavy Gun class on August 6th at Williamsport, PA
At the Missoula and Whitefish, Montana ranges Jim Barta has fired three sub-6″ 10-shot groups.
David Fuller of Freeman, Virginia fired a 5-shot group at Hawk’s Ridge of near record size. David fired a tiny 2.196″ group in the Light Gun class on July 29th. Outstanding David!
2000 IBS 1000 Yard Nationals
Danny Brooks wins the IBS 1000 Yard Nationals again! Danny repeats his performance of 1999.This year Danny won the Heavy Gun and combined with his Light Gun score, also won the Two-Gun event.Way to go Danny! His rifles were gunsmithed by John Meyer.
The 1999 Season
The North Carolina 1000 yard 2-day State Championship was held on May 15th and 16th. In the Light Gun class Joel Pendergraft used one of our 6.5mm barrels gunsmithed by Dave Tooley to win the Light Gun group aggregate. On the first day he fired a 6.915″ group to win his relay and followed that with a 5.952″ group in the shootoff. On the second day he fired a 5.320″ group! His 2-day aggregate was 6.118″, well out in front.
In the Heavy Gun Charles Bailey started out hot again winning the score aggregate with a 93.5 and he was second in the group agg with a 9.346″. With a first and a second Charles was the overall Heavy Gun Champion at the North Carolina State Championship! Update: July, 1999, Charles put a new Lilja .30 caliber barrel on his rifle and started out hot. His first group with the new barrel was an Official Screamer at a 5.011″ (this group was also the small group for the year in North Carolina in Heavy Gun class), winning his relay. In the Shoot-Off Charles shot another screamer, this one 5.118″! The first two groups out of the barrel in a match and two more Screamers for Charles! Charles was the North Carolina State Heavy gun score Champion, Heavy Gun Group Champion runner-up, Heavy Gun Grand Champion and won the 6-match group agg., 10-match score agg., and the 6-match score agg. Great shooting Charles.
The 1998 Season
Five New World Records & 5 Major Match Wins in 1998
Hawk’s Ridge, North Carolina, September 5th – 6th, 1998 – IBS 1000 yard National Matches
Bobby Elder wins the heavy gun national title using one of our .30 caliber barrels! His 2-day aggregate was 6.985″ for two 10 shot groups and an average score of 95.
Mike McNeil fired the smallest individual 10-shot group in the Heavy Gun class with a very nice 4.892″. Mike used one of our .30 caliber barrels for this group and did his own gunsmithing. Mike also actually had a smaller group aggregate than Mr. Elder with a 6.625″ (the smallest of all the heavy guns) but his score was lower than Mr. Elder’s.
Dan Frazier posted the best score aggregate in the Heavy Gun class with a 95.5. His two scores were 93 and 98. Dan used a Lilja .30 caliber barrel.
Lilja barrels really dominated the Heavy Gun class winning in every category with the smallest 10-shot group, smallest 2-day aggregate, best score aggregate and the combined winner! Great shooting you guys!
Hawk’s Ridge, North Carolina, August 16th, 1998 – IBS 1000 yard match
Bill Crawford does it again! At an IBS 1000 yard match at Hawk’s Ridge, Bill shot a terrific 3.472″ – 10 shot group, a new IBS record! This time Bill used one of our .338 barrels chambered for a 338/378 Weatherby cartridge and 300 grain Sierra bullets.
Williamsport, Pennsylvania, July 11th & 12th, 1998 – World Open Championship
Brent Mullis of Monroe, North Carolina wins the 2-day group aggregate on July 11th and 12th. Brent fired the smallest aggregate out of a field of 260 shooters, with a very nice 7.542″ agg. His individual 10 shot groups were 6.843″ and 8.241″. Brent used one of our 10″ twist .338 caliber barrels. His gunsmith was David Tooley.
Whitefish, Montana, July 11th, 1998 – 1000 yard match
Brad Barta fires a new world record for the 16.5 pound class for score under Williamsport, PA rules (10-shot group). Brad, in his first 1000 yard match ever, fired a score of 98 and a 10 shot group of 7.480″. The day before he shot a smaller group but with a lower score. Top notch shooting Brad! He used an improved 300 Weatherby cartridge in one of our 10″ twist barrels.
Hawk’s Ridge, North Carolina, May 17th, 1998 – IBS 1000 yard match
Bill Crawford fires a new IBS 1000 yard Light Gun record with a perfect score of 50 and a new record 5 shot group for this class of 2.766″! Wow! Nice shooting Bill! Bill used a Lilja .30 caliber 10″ twist barrel to set this new record.
1998 IBS 1000 yard records by Charles Bailey
Charles Bailey had an exceptional year in IBS 1000 yard matches using one of our .30 caliber barrels. He set a new IBS record 10-match aggregate of 8.495″ and a new IBS 6-match aggregate record of 6.288″.
Of the 18 record groups that Charles fired this year, 6 of them were under six inches! Ten-shot groups under six inches are recognized as “Official Screamers”. That fully one third of Charles’ groups were this small really speaks highly of his remarkable shooting ability and the accuracy of his barrel. (If you’re wondering why his six-match agg. is not under six inches, several of his five inch groups were in shoot-offs, which don’t count in the agg.) This is really tremendous shooting and we’re very pleased that Charles was using one of our barrels. Look for Charles to be a real contender in the 1999 season. See a picture of Charles and his rifle.
Bill Crawford’s 1998 1000 yard season
Bill Crawford had a fantastic shooting year. As mentioned above, he set two new IBS records, a 3.472″ 10-shot group in the Heavy Gun and a 2.766″ 5-shot Light Gun record. Beyond that, Bill also won the Virginia State Championships in September and was the 1998 IBS 1000 yard Shooter of the Year! And all with 3 different Lilja barrels, a 6.5 mm a .30 caliber and a .338 caliber barrel.
Wins From Earlier Years
Williamsport, PA 1000 Yard 1997 World Open Championships
At the 1997 1000 yard World Open Championships held at Williamsport, Pennsylvania on July 12th and 13th, the Heavy Gun 2-day Grand Champion was Mike McNeil using .308 caliber Lilja barrel chambered by himself to a .300 Ackley Improved.
1997 IBS 1000 yard National Championships
IBS 1000 Yard National Championships for 1997, Lilja barrels did extremely well in that big match. The overall Grand Champion was Brandon McNeil using a Lilja barrel. Brandon won the Heavy Gun group and Heavy Gun score competitions and was the Junior Champion in both the Heavy Gun and the Light Gun. It is rather remarkable that Brandon, as a junior shooter, beat all of the competitors.
And in the Light Gun competition K. Shuler shot the smallest group out of 228 groups fired with a 2.773″ group at 1000 yards. And to top it off Bill Crawford shot the 2nd smallest with a 3.542″ group. These are 5 shot groups in the Light Gun. These two fellows also shot the two best score targets out of the total of 228 shot. Crawford had a perfect score of 50 and Shuler had a 49.
In the Heavy Gun competition Crawford had the 3rd smallest group out of 196 targets with a 7.365″ (10 shots). And in the Heavy Gun score competition Brandon McNeil and Mr. Crawford had the two best scores fired. Out of 196 targets fired they shot a 96 and a 95 score, respectively.
1996 Gary McGee broke the existing IBS light gun world record with a nice little 3.607″ 5-shot group with a .30 caliber Lilja barrel.
1995 Gary McGee is the IBS Junior shooter of the year with a Lilja .30 caliber barrel.
All of these winning groups and scores were fired with Lilja barrels. Congratulations to these fine competitors.
Have you won a major tournament, set a World Record, or shot a trophy-type big game animal with one of our barrels? If so, let us know and we’ll include it here on our web site. Send a picture or a copy of your certificate. We want to hear from you lilja@riflebarrels.com.