Richard McDonald with his Texas Audad, shot with his Lilja barreled 26 Nosler at 500 Yards.
Marsada Lilja with her 2024 Montana Whitetail, shot with Carson’s 300 PRC at 250 Yards.
Our customer Alexander Sharif of Calgary, Alberta with his son Miguel next to a heavy and dark horned 9 year old Montana Bighorn taken at 255 yards using his Lilja barreled custom 700 Remington rifle chambered in 300 WM shooting the 200 grain Accubond hand loads. A true trophy of 5 lifetimes.
Miguel Fernandez Sharif with his last day Alberta WT buck taken with a Lilja barreled 6.5 Creedmoor and 130 grain Accubond hand loads at 412 yards.
Our customer Carl Tatarin of Vilna, Alberta with a huge Shiras Moose shot at 150 yards using his Lilja barreled custom 280 Remington using hand loads of 150 grain Swift Scirocco spritzers at 3,000 fps made by his pal Alex Sharif.
Our customer, Carl Tatarin of Alberta Canada, with a wide Alberta mule deer buck taken with his Lilja barrel 280, using 150 grain hand loads provided by his pal Alexander Sharif.
Josh Tatarin of Northern Alberta with a clean one shot kill on a fine Alberta Mule deer buck at 379 yards using his Dad’s (our customer Carl Tatarin) Lilja barreled Winchester M 70 in 25-06 using 120 grain hand loads provided by his pal Alex Sharif.
Andre Van Hilten of Nanton, Alberta with a beautiful and mature Bezoar Ibex taken in Turkey’s Sivas region using his Lilja barreled 280 Rem with 150 grain Nosler Accubond hand loads provided by his friend Alex Sharif who is also our long-time client.
Sally Lilja with a 4×5 whitetail buck shot at 275 yards in his bed with her 7mm-08 and a 150 Hornady CX.
Sally Lilja with a 2024 cow elk shot with her reliable 7mm-08 and a 150 grain Hornady CX at 220 yards.
Dan Lilja with a 5×5 2024 bull elk shot with a 210 grain Barnes TSX copper bullet at 210 yards using a .338 Federal.
A 2024 whitetail buck shot by Daniel Lilja at about 100 yards using a 150 gr. CX bullet fired from the 7mm-08.
A 2024 Montana Tom turkey shot by Dan with a 6×47 XP100 handgun using 80 gr Hornady CX bullets at 47 yards.
Richard McDonald’s 2024 mule deer shot with his Lilja barreled rifle. Rich spent most of his hunting season helping sheep hunters and killed this big buck the end of the season.
Richard Kinzie with his big 2024 6×8 Montana elk. Rich show this bull at 150 yards with a .300 Win Mag and a 200 grain Accubond. Rich works in our shop.
Dennis Ovitt with a nice 2024 cow elk. Dan was with Dennis when we found this elk at about 100 yards. Dennis shot it with his Lilja barreled 270 firing a 150 gr. Nosler Partition bullet.
Dennis Ovitt with his Montana bull Moose, shot with his Lilja barreled 270 and 150 Grain Nosler Partitions. Dennis has been putting in for this tag for 44 years before he finally drew! Marsada Lilja with her 2024 Montana Bull Elk, shot with Carson’s Lilja barreled 300 PRC Carson Lilja with his 2024 Montana Antelope, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 PRC at 220 yards. This rifle had the very first Carbon Fiber barrel we started offering this summer. Marsada Lilja with her 2024 Montana Antelope, shot with her 6.5 Creedmoor at 480 Yards and a 143 ELD-X.Cody Phillips with his 2024 Wyoming bull, shot with his Lilja Barreled 270 Short Mag at 600 Yards.
Carl Tatarin with a fine Alberta Pronghorn taken at 242 yards using his Lilja barreled 25-06 and 120 grain Hornady HP hand loads provided by his pal Alexander Sharif.
Jake Firestone with his 2024 Montana Mountain Goat, shot with his Lilja barreled 6.5 PRC at 630 Yards. Carson, Taylor and Steve helped him on this once in a lifetime tag.
A representative Bezoar Ibex taken in fair chase at 450 yards by Alexander Sharif of Calgary, Alberta in Turkey’s Kashkar mountains using a custom Lilja barreled 300WM.
Hank Flatow, with his monster Montana Elk, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 Rum at 564 Yards. Officially scored 422 3/8″ gross and 409 1/8″ Net.
Hank Flatow, with his early season Montana Bison, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 RumKody McDonald with his 2023 Montana Mule Deer, shot with his Lilja barreled 28 Nosler at 650 Yards. Alexander Sharif with his friend/mentee Eugene Kulikov and an old and regressed Mule deer buck taken at 340 yards in Southern Alberta by Eugene, using a Lilja barreled 300WM built on a Rem 700 platform.Sally Lilja with a nice cow elk she shot at 135 yards with the 7mm-08 and a Hornaday 150 gr. CX. After a wobbly moment the elk dropped where she stood. A 4×4 Whitetail buck shot by Dan Lilja with the .308 Winchester Cub-of-a-Gun. The buck stopped broadside at 150 yards and the 165 gr. Hornady CX bullet put him down. Sally Lilja with a 4×4 whitetail buck shot with her 7mm-08 and a 150 gr. Hornady CX bullet. The buck was a little over 200 yards away and dropped where he stood.Carson Lilja with his 2023 Montana Bull Elk, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 win mag at 400 yards. Carson and Tanner doubled on these two bulls, and used their horses to pack them 12 miles back to the pickup. Carson’s Horse “Bristol” packing out his Bull. Tanner Ovitt with his 2023 Montana Elk, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 Win Mag at 425 yards. Alexander Sharif of Calgary, Alberta next to an 11 year old High Altai Ibex with a rare winter cape killed with a single shot at 420 yards in Mongolia’s high Altai mountains using a Lilja barreled custom 300WM and a 200 grain Nosler Accubond bullet at 3,000 fps.Carl Tatarin of Vilna, Alberta with a majestic Altai Ibex taken in Mongolia’s far NW corner bordering Russia. Carl used a custom Lilja barreled 280 Remington and killed this billy with a single shot at 390 yards using 150 grain Swift Scirocco hand loads made by his pal Alexander Sharif who was also hunting in Mongolia.Dan Lilja with his 2023 5×5 opening day elk shot with a new .358 Winchester built on a Ruger American action and a Boyd’s stock The bull was about 175 yards away and the 200 gr. Barnes TTSX at 2700+ fps muzzle velocity was a broadside pass-through.Derek Curry with a very nice Montana pronghorn buck shot with his 6.5 Creedmoor with Lilja barrel.Devin Hawley with a very nice Washington mule deer shot at 275 yards with Devin’s own creation; the 6.5 Deer Hunter shooting a 130 gr. Swift Scirroco at 3175 fps.Kody McDonald with his 2023 Montana bull, shot in the early rifle season in the Bob Marshell Wilderness.
Kody McDonald, Carson, and Tommy and Kyla Jaeger spent a week packed in the Bob Marshall wilderness in September of 2023.
Marsada Sweet with her very first elk, shot with her Lilja barreled 7mm-08 and using 160 grain Accubonds. Cody Hansen with an exceptional 2022 Montana whitetail buck. This buck has a gross score of 160″! Cody works in the shop as part of our crew. He shot this buck with a .300 Win Mag.Sally Lilja with her 2022 Montana cow elk. She shot this elk at 220 yards with a single heart-shot from her 7mm-08 using a 160 grain Accubond. It is built on a Remington 600 action and Dan made the walnut stock in the 1980’s.Sally Lilja with her 2022 Montana whitetail buck. She used her custom 7-08 and the dependable 160 grain Accubond to shoot this buck at 144 yards. She wanted a meat-buck to make a new batch of cheese smokies. Sally right before the shot. The buck is in the inverted V in the center of the picture.A heavy Alberta Mule Deer buck taken in -30C weather by our loyal customer Alex Sharif and his son Sergio with a Lilja barreled 270WDan shot this 2022 Montana 5×5 whitetail buck with the 6.5 Creedmoor at about 175 yards. This rifle is built on a Defiance anTi action and a Lilja spiral fluted #3 contour barrel. It was stocked by Jack Keister. This time he used the new Hornady all-copper 120 grain CX bullet and it performed well. The bullet entered mid-ribs just ahead of the diaphragm and angled up taking out 3″ of spine and then exited. Total travel through the deer was 17″.Dan with his 2022 Montana 5×5 bull. He shot this elk with a 6.5 Creedmoor with a 130 grain Accubond from 180 yards. This rifle is built on a Defiance anTi action and a Lilja spiral fluted #3 contour barrel. It was stocked by Jack Keister.Dan made another trip to Kodiak to hunt Sitka Blacktails. Though there was a noticeable population reduction compared to past years we did find a few bucks. This one dropped to the .338 Federal and a 210 TSX. This rifle is built on a Defiance action and stocked by Steve Boswell.Bob Cassell with a Kodiak Blacktail shot with his Lilja barreled 6.5/284 at about 200 yards.Drew Zeiler with his 2022 Montana Antelope, shot with his Lilja barreled 25-06 at 680 yards! Kody McDonald with his 2022 Montana Antelope, shot with his Lilja barreled 28 Nosler. Marsada with her very first Antelope, shot with Carson’s 260AI at 640 yards! Carson and Marsada traveled to Eastern Montana, and had a very successful first hunting trip together! Carson Lilja with his 2022 Montana Antelope, shot with his Lilja barreled 260AI at 505 yards. , Marsada Sweet with her very first Antelope, shot with Carson Lilja’s 260AI at 200 yards. Carson and Marsada traveled to Eastern Montana, and had a very successful first hunting trip together! Carson Lilja got the opportunity to help a mutual friend fill a goat tag in Southwest Montana. They where able to find a very nice 9 1/4″ 6 year old billy. Trenis and Richard McDonald with Trenis 1st Alaskan Moose, taken with his Lilja barreled 6.5-06 and 150 grain long range Accubonds in September of 2022. Good friends Jen Staten and Daniel Schwab with her 2022 Montana black bear, shot with her Lilja barreled 28 Nosler at 580 yards.
Alexander Sharif of Calgary, Alberta Canada with a Northern white tail buck taken at 420 yards with his 270W and the spicy 140 TGK hand loads. The buck was attacked by a Cougar not too long ago, survived the attack and carried his wounds of battle.Alexander Sharif of Calgary, Alberta Canada with a Mid Asian Ibex taken at 4,650 meters in the southern Pamir mountains of Tajikistan using a Lilja barreled 270W and 140 grain TGK at 480 yards Carl Tatarin of Vilna, Alberta Canada with a Mid Asian Ibex Ibex taken at 4,450 meters in the southern Pamir mountains of Tajikistan using a Lilja barreled 280 Rem and 150 grain SCII at 380 yards.Sally Lilja with a very nice Montana cow elk. She shot this cow at 200 yards with her proven 7mm-08 and 160 Accubond bullets. Sally is a very careful and skilled elk hunter. All she had was a frontal shot and the bullet broke a front shoulder and then penetrated about 30″ of elk, stopping against the off-side hide behind the last rib.Sally Lilja with her 2021 whitetail buck. She shot this 4×4 buck at about 100 yards with her favorite 7mm-08 loaded with 160 Accubonds.Carson Lilja with a dandy Sitka Blacktail, shot with his 300 Win Mag at 430 yards in Kodiak, Alaska. Dan Lilja with one of our 2021 Kodiak Sitka Blacktail bucks. Dan sot this buck at about 220 yards with his 338 Federal and a 210 gr. Nosler partition bullet.Mike Gergin with a nice Montana bull, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 RUM at 616 yards. Kody McDonald with a dandy Montana bull elk, shot with his Lilja barreled 28 NoslerKody’s wife Becky McDonald, with another very nice Montana elk, shot with Kody’s 28 Nosler.
Dan Lilja shot this 2021 Montana antelope buck at 210 yards with a new 6.5 Creedmoor built on a Defiance Machine AnTi action, a spiral fluted Lilja #3 barrel and stocked by Jack Keister. The scope is a Leupold 4.5×14 and the weight with the sling and ammo in the magazine is 6.44 pounds. The load was a 130 grain Sierra Game Changer and RL 17 powder.
A superb American Mountain Goat Billy in prime pre-rut pelage taken by Johaness Stefansson of Iceland in the SE corner of British Columbia’s Rocky mountains. On this hunt, Johaness used our customer Alex Sharif’s Lilja barreled Remington M700 custom 270W and harvested the 300 pound mature Billy with a single shot at a respectable distance of 320 yards.Demi Horton with her 2021 Alaskan Bull Moose, shot with her Lilja Barreled 7mm-08 at 200 yards. The Moose measured 63″ wide. Demi’s dad Rob has worked for Lilja for over 30 years! Carson Lilja with his 2021 Montana goat. He drew a nanny-only-tag for the Crazy Mountains. Carson shot this goat with a custom built 7mm-08 Lilja barrel, Defiance action and Jack Keister Custom stock at 300 yards, built just for this hunt. This nanny was 16 years old; ancient for a goat! Carson and his good friend Drew Zeiler hiked 22 miles in 3 days getting this goat.Kyla and Tommy Jaeger with Kyla’s Alaskan Moose, shot with her father Richard’s Lilja barreled 338/378 at 450 yards! Good friend Trevor Zeiler with a dandy Alaskan Dall ram, shot with his Lilja barreled 26 Nosler at 624 yards. Good friend Daniel Schwab with a dandy Montana Black bear, shot with Mike Gergen’s Lilja barreled 300 RUM.
Trenis McDonald with a monstrous Montana Mountain Lion, shot with a Lilja barreled 6.5 Short Mag. The lion weighed 174 pounds! Cousin Richie McDonald with a dandy Montana wolf, shot with his Lilja barreled 338/378. Tate Cavill and Cody Phillips tagged out in less than a minute on a nice Southeast Montana Antelope hunt. Tate Cavill shot this nice Montana bull with his 7 Mag in early November. Sammi Cavill with her 2020 Montana Whitetail, shot with her Lilja barreled 7 Mag. Matt Cockrell with a dandy mid November Rocky Mountain Sheep, shot with his Lilja barreled 338 win mag.Cousin Kendyl Jaeger with her very first big game animal. Kendyl turned 10 this year, and was able to hunt under the Montana youth program. She shot this muley with her Grandpa Richie’s 338/378 at just over 500 yards! Adam Lilja with a November late afternoon Montana cow elk he shot with a Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag and a 200 grain Partition at 200 yards. It was dark before we got to the gutting and retrieval stage.Sally Lilja with a nice election day Montana whitetail buck she shot with her trusty 7mm-08 with a 160 grain Accubond at 150 yards.Dan Lilja shot this November 5×5 Montana whitetail buck at 230 yards with the reliable .338 Federal and a 210 Partition.Wade Bache and Taylor Firestone doubled up on these two nice Montana bulls. Wade shot his with his Lilja barreled 300 Win mag. Taylor’s wife Tiffany works in our office, but has yet to get a barrel for himself yet. Carson Lilja and good friends Tanner Ostrom and Brian Green spent a week in Southwest Montana on a cold mid November hunt in Carson’s wall tent. All three tagged out, Carson and Tanner shot theirs with Lilja barreled 300 win mags, and Brian used his 30-06.Miguel Fernandez Sharif and father Alex, with a representative Mule deer buck taken in Alberta’s prairies using a custom Lilja barreled 280 Remington at an ethical distance of 225 yards. Nice job Miguel!Dan Lilja shot this Montana 4×5 general-tag bull on opening day. And an odd opening day it was for Montana in 2020. The night before we got 16″ of snow in October! Dan shot this bull at 200 yards with his .338 Federal and a 210 grain Nosler Partition bullet at 2600 fps. The bull crumpled where he stood. The rifle was barreled by Dan and stocked by Steve Boswell.Dick Williams shot this big Wyoming bull with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag at 400 yards in a strong wind and just before dark! Dick has shot quite a few animals with this rifle and comments: “Thanks again for a fantastic barrel upgrade for my favorite rifle! ” Nice job Dick!Cousin Kyla Jaeger and her husband Tommy with her opening day bull, shot with her father Richard McDonalds 338/378. Good friends Daniel Schwab and his girlfriend Jen had a great weekend of Antelope hunting. Here he is pictured with his 2020 Antelope buck, shot with Carson’s 6.5-06 in Eastern Montana. Jen Statton with another dandy Antelope buck, shot with Carson’s 6.5-06. Steve Boswellshot this 9″ Alaska Billy with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag in September up in the rocks and ice.Cousin Richie McDonald with another dandy Alaskan Bull Moose, shot with his Lilja barreled 338/378 In September of 2020. Steve Boswell shot this 160ish Dall ram in Alaska using a Lilja .300 Win Mag barrel he gunsmithed. Beautiful ram Steve!
Dan and Carson made a trip to Kodiak island with some friends to hunt Kodiak Sitka Blacktails and found a few deer. Dan with a buck killed with the Ruger American Lilja barreled .308 Win.Carson and a Sitka blacktail shot at 470 yards with a .300 Win Mag Lilja barrel.Carson with another Kodiak .300 Win Mag blacktail.Bob Cassell with an exceptional Sitka blacktail shot with a Lilja barreled 6.5/284.Mike with a very nice, heavy Sitka blacktail buck from Kodiak shot with a Lilja barreled 6.5/284.Richard Kinzie with his 2019 Montana Bull, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 Win Mag at 610 yards. Cory with a nice Montana bull shot with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag. Cory gundrills barrels for us.Dick Williams took this dandy Colorado mule deer at 490 yards with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag.Two weeks after shooting his Colorado buck Dick Williams shot this Wyoming buck with the same .300 Win Mag. Great bucks Dick!Tate Cavill with his 2019 Montana Mule Deer. Tate had problems with his scope on his rifle, so used his wife’s Lilja barreled 7 Mag. Tate Cavill with his 2019 Montana Antelope, shot with his favorite 7mm Mag. Carson Lilja with his 2019 Montana Mule deer, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 win mag at 490 yards. Cousin Richard McDonald with his 2019 Alaskan Moose, shot with his Lilja barreled 338/378.Dennis with a nice cow elk shot with his Lilja barreled .270 Winchester.Kyla Jaeger, with her 2019 Montana mule deer, shot with Tommy’s Lilja barreled 338 Rum. Tommy Jaeger with his 2019 Alaskan Bull, taken with his Lilja barreled 338 Rum. Sally Lilja with her 2019 Montana cow elk. Sally killed this cow with her Lilja barreled 7mm-08 and a 160 gr. Accubond at 270 yards.Dan Lilja with his 2019 Montana elk. Shot with the custom .308 Ruger American. He shot it at 243 yards with the 165 Accubond in a snow storm.
Cory Ovitt and family. Cory gun drills in the shop.
Miguel Sharif with his first whitetail buck. The buck was shot at 110 yards with a Lilja barreled 6.5 Creedmoor. Alex Sharif drew an Arizona desert bighorn tag in 2019 and shot the 9 1/2 year old ram with his Lilja barreled .280 Rem with one shot at a distance of 308 yards! Alex was accompanied by his son Miguel. Alex Sharif with An 81/2 year old mature Marco Polo ram from Tien Shen mountains of Kyrgyzstan at 390 yards with a single shot from a Lilja barreled 280 Rem rifle with
Gunsmith and Customer John Wickens with his 2018 Montana elk shot with his Lilja barreled 7mm Remington Mag.
Mike Gergin with his 2018 Montana mule deer shot with his Lilja barreled 300 Rum.
Mark Beining with a dry-fat Alberta mule deer doe. Mark shot this deer with a Lilja barreled .280 Rem at 300 yards. Mark is 60 and this is his first big game animal! Mark has a great mentor with Alex Sharif (on left). Mark says; tell everyone: “Its never too late to start hunting!”
Dan Lilja with his 2018 Montana 5×5 bull. He shot this elk on a cold 16º November morning with a .338 Federal shooting 210 gr. Nosler Partition bullets. The only option was a quick 215 yard off-hand shot as he paused going into the trees. The rifle is built on a Defiance action, stocked by Steve Boswell. With a diamond-flute Lilja barrel, the rifle weighs 7.5 pounds including sling and 4 rounds in the magazine and Nightforce 2.5×10 scope.
Tanner Ovitt with his 2018 Montana Whitetail, shot with his Lilja barreled 30-06.Rich McDonald with his 2018 Montana Elk, shot with his Lilja barreled 338-378 at 645 yards.
Rikki Clements shot this big Montana public land/general tag mule deer that green scores 203 with a Lilja barreled 6.5 Creedmoor gunsmithed by Cameron Coates of North Dakota. She was hunting with her husband Austin and their little guy!
Roger Thomas shot this big Idaho mule deer buck with a Lilja barreled .340 Weatherby.
Kayla Lilja shot this 19″ wide 2-point whitetail buck with her .243 at 100 yards.
Dan Lilja with a white tail buck shot at 200 yards with a .338 Federal and 210 grain Partition bullet.
Ryan Ovitt with his Montana 6-point bull he shot with his Lilja barrled .270.
Richard Kinzie with his Montana Shiras moose he shot with his Lilja barreled .300 Win mag.
Tate with his 2018 Montana bull shot with his favorite Lilja barreled 7 Mag.Tate and Haidyn Cavill with Tate’s 2018 speedgoat. Tate shot this goat at 400 yards with his Lilja barreled 7 Mag.Sammi and Haidyn with Sami’s antelope shot with her new Lilja barreled 7 Mag at 450 yards.
Long-time customer Devin Hawley shot this Washington mule deer at 654 yards with his Lilja barreled 7×61 Hawley & Hawley cartridge. Devin says this is his longest shot to date. Devin’s dad Mark started buying barrels from us in the 1980’s. Devin’s wife Glenna shot this mule deer buck with her Lilja barreled .243 at 165 yards. Great shooting Devin and Glenna!
Steve Hallenbeck with his self-guided 2018 Alaska Dall ram. Steve shot this 10 year old ram with 14″ bases at 225 yards with his Lilja barrled 7mm-08.
Steve’s girl friend Dawneen with her 2018 Alaska Dall ram. This is another 10 year old double-broomed ram that she shot with her Lilja barreled 7mm-08 at 367 yards.
A couple of weeks later Dawneen shot a 10″ Kodiak billy, that green scored 53″, with the same rifle! She’s had a great season on mountain game.
Carson Lilja, on the right, with his cousin Kody and the Alaska moose Carson shot at 930 yards! Carson shot this bull with a Lilja-barreled 338/378 Wby using 250 grain Accubonds.
Kody with another moose they shot on their Alaska hunt. Kody shot his with another Lilja-barreled 338-378.
Becky McDonald and husband Kody, with her Alaskan Bull shot with Kody’s Lilja barreled 338/378. One shot at 430 yards and this big beast was down.
In September Dan was out looking for a turkey and bumped into this coyote. As coyotes like to do, this one was moving out, but stopped at about 250 yards to look back. A quick shot with the Lilja-barreled XP-100 in 6×47 laid him out.
Bob Cassell with his 2018 self-guided Dall ram from Alaska. Bob shot this ram at 550 yards with his Lilja-barreled 7mm Remington Mag and LR Accubonds. Bob hunted hard for this ram and caught with him on his third hunt. Kobuck helped pack him out.
Dick Williams with his 28″ wide – 185″ Colorado Mule deer he shot with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag. A great buck Dick!
Dr. Jeanne Williams with her nice Colorado mule deer buck she shot at 175 yards with her Lilja barreled 7mm-08.
Bat Lulack shot this Montana cow elk at 1130 yards with his Lilja barreled .375 Cheytac. Bat fired from the far opening in the top image and the cow was standing in the close opening.
Alex Sharif shot this nice Alberta whitetail buck with his .280 Lilja barreled rifle at 320 yards on the windy foothills.
Carson Lilja shot this nice 4×4 Montana whitetail buck at 150 yards with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag.
Devin Hawley shot this Washington mule deer buck with one shot at 465 yards with his Lilja barreled .243 WSSM and 103 gr. Hornady ELD-X bullets.
Carl from Alberta shot this fine 56″ Marco polo ram in Tajikestan at 370 yards with his Lilja barreled .280 Remington! Carl’s rifle build and hunt was facilitated by his friend Alex Sharif.
Steve Hallenbach was on a Sitka Blacktail hunt on Kodiak at the same time as Dan but in a different camp. They were at the seaplane base at the same time. Steve shot two very nice bucks with his Lilja barreled .280 AI.
Sally Lilja shot this 4×4 whitetail buck at 150 yards in the trees with her 7mm-08. The buck stopped for a moment and she dropped him.
Sami Cavill with a nice Montana mule deer buck shot with Tate’s Lilja barreled 7 Mag.
Dan Lilja filled a one week notice cancellation hunt with friends on Kodiak Island for Sitka Blacktails. He shot two with his trusty 7mm-08 and had a great time with a couple of fishing buddies and two new friends on a boat hunt. In the first picture he’s packing out a buck on his 61st birthday. Here’s a link to some additional images and captions in a .pdf file
Bob Cassell with a very nice 3×4 Sitka Blacktail from Kodiak Isalnd in November of 2017. Bob shot this buck with his Lilja barreled 6.5-284.
Miguel Sharif with his first big game animal, an Alberta whitetail doe he shot at 265 yards with his Lilja barreled 7mm-08. His dad Alex at his side with a big proud smile.
Makenna Smith’s first deer – a nice whitetail buck she shot with her brother’s Lilja barreled 25-06 at 300 yards.
Ian Smith with his 2017 bull he that shot with his Lilja barreled 25-06. Ian is a high school senior going into the Army following graduation.
Tate and Sammi Cavill got it done last weekend, both shooting their bulls with Tate’s Lilja barreled 7 Mag.
Adam and Kayla Lilja with Kayla’s big cow elk she shot at 260 yards with one well-placed shot with a 7mm-08. The fog rolled in about 10 minutes after she shot.
Sally Lilja with her 2017 cow elk she snuck up on in the timber. One shot at 100 yards from her 7mm-08. As of this year she’s killed five elk with five shots all with her favorite 7mm-08.
Dan Lilja with a 2017 raghorn bull elk he spotted at daylight going into the timber on a very rainy and windy morning. He shot it at 235 yards with the 7mm-08.
Dan Lilja with a 2017 20″ 5×5 whitetail buck he shot at 200 yards with the 7mm-08.
Carson Lilja with a nice Montana 2017 antelope buck. Carson shot this buck with his 6.5-06 at 575 yards!
Devon Hawley shot this nice Montana antelope buck with his Lilja barreled 6.5 OHC.
Richard McDonald with his 2017 Alaska moose killed with his Lilja barreled 338/378!
Steve Hallenbach with his 2017 Alaska Dall ram!
Bob Cassell with his 2017 Alaska Dall ram. Bob shot this ram with a new .300 Win Mag he chambered himself using a Lilja barrel. A one shot kill at 517 yards!
Bob also shot this 2017 Alaska moose with the same .300 Win Mag that he killed the ram with above.
Dan Lilja with his dandy 2017 Yukon Dall Sheep. He shot it at just over 300 yards with his 7mm-08. This ram was officially scored at 164 5/8. To see more about this hunt Click Here.Lilja employee Mitch Thompson with a dandy last day Montana Spring Black Bear, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 win mag on a Defiance Deviant action. It was a late night pack out for some of the Lilja guys last night.
2016 Season:
Cynthia Cassell with a fine December 2016 Arizona desert bighorn ram that she shot with a Lilja barreled 6.5-284. Her husband Bob shown with her.
Matt Cockrell with a big Montana Wolf shot in December of 2016. Nice job Matt!!Carson Lilja with his 2016 Montana Bull, shot with his Lilja Barreled 300 Win Mag at 420 yards.Richard Kinzie with his 2016 Montana bull shot with his Lilja barreled 300 Win Mag at 435 Yards.Sammi Kinzie with her 2016 Montana Bull, shot with a Lilja barreled 338/378 at 620 yards.Tommy Jaeger with his 2016 Montana Bull Elk, shot at 1022 yards with his Lilja Barreled 338 Ultra Mag.Sally Lilja with her big Cow Elk, shot with her trusty 7mm-08.
Dan Lilja with a 2016 Montana whitetail buck he shot with a 7mm-08.
Carson Lilja with his 2016 Fall Black Bear, shot with his Lilja barreled 300 Win Mag.Dick Williams with his 2016 Caribou.Alex Sharif with his 2016 Alberta Elk, scoring 397.Alex Sharif with his 2016 Alberta Mule deer, shot with his Lilja Barreled 280 Rem at 462 Yards.Bob Cassell with his 13-year old Snow Sheep, shot in August of 2016 in Russia. Shot with his Lilja Barreled 7 Mag, at a very steep 350 yards.Steve Hallenbach with his 2016 Grizzly, shot with his Lilja Barreled 416 RUM.Gunsmith Steve Hallenbach’s brother Gary Hallenbach with his Grizzly, shot with his Lilja Barreled 340 WBY.
Richard McDonald’s son Trenis, with his 2016 Montana spring bear, shot with a .270 Weatherby at 542 yards.
Ryan Ovitt with his 2016 Spring bear shot with his Lilja barreled .270. Ryan laps for us in the Summer.Tanner Ovitt with his 2016 Spring bear.Kassidy Kinzie and her uncle Cory Ovitt with her 2016 Montana Mountain Lion. Nice work from the Kinzie girls!Sammi Kinzie with her big 150 pound Mountain Lion shot in December of 2015.
Ben Myers with his giant Alaskan Moose.Ben Myers with his Dall Sheep shot in 2015.Dick Williams with his beautiful Colorado mule deer shot on the Wounded Warrior hunt last fall with his Lilja barreled .280 Ackley Improved.Adam Thomson with his Northern Alberta Whitetail buck shot with a Lilja Barreled 280 AI.Dan Lilja with a 5×5 Montana whitetail buck he shot in 2015. The rifle is a Lilja barreled .308 Winchester built by Montana Rifle Company.Mike Johnson sent in a picture of his customers Montana Mule Deer, shot with his Lilja Barreled 6.5 CreedmoorCustomer Matthew Hopf with his Arizona Coues deer, shot with his Lilja barreled 30-378 at 860 yards.Sammi Kinzie with her 2015 Montana Bull elk Shot with her Lilja Barreled 270. Sammi’s dad does all of our fluting, and laps for us.Garret Horton with his 2015 Montana Elk. Garrett’s dad contours all of the barrels, and Garrett has done some lapping for us.Garret Horton with his 2015 Montana Mule deer. Garrett’s dad contours all of the barrels, and Garrett has done some lapping for us.“Chris Meyer of Alliance Custom Armory put together my 7mm LRM using your #5 contour 27” fluted barrel. The combination shoots the 180gr. Berger VLDs very well and allowed me to take this WY Bighorn ram at 454 yards.”Gunsmith Jeremy Laier with his 2015 fall black bear.Sally Lilja with her 2015 Whitetail shot with her 7mm-08Sally Lilja with her 2015 Cow Elk shot with her 7mm-08Adam Lilja with his 2015 Whitetail, shot with his 300 win mag.Tate Cavill with his 2015 Montana Bull shot with his Lilja Barreled 7 Mag,Tate Cavill with his 2015 Montana Mule deer, Shot with his Lilja Barreled 7 Mag.Tanner Ovitt with his 2015 Montana Archery Bull.Brady Ovitt with his Ewe shot with a Lilja Barreled 7 Mag. Brady’s dad drill’s all of our barrels, and Brady has done some lapping for us.Chuck with a Wyoming Antelope shot at 1000 yards with a 7 LRM.Carson’s cousin Kody McDonald with his 2015 Montana Archery Bull.Kc McDonald with his first bull shot in South West MontanaCarson’s cousin KC McDonald with his 2015 fall black bear, shot with a Lilja barreled 338 Ultra Mag at 525 yards.Gunsmith and Customer Steve Hallenbech helped his friend get his first ram, shot with a Lilja Barreled 7mm Mag in Alaska. Nice Shooting!Customer and Gunsmith Steve Hallenbech with his two Alaskan Wolves shot with his Lilja Barreled 27 O’Connor (Cartridge he designed.) What a great hunt! Nice shooting Steve!Steve Hallenbech with his 2015 Alaskan Moose, taken with a Lilja barreled 375 RUM.Customer and Gunsmith Steve Hallenbech with his 2015 Double Broomed Dall Sheep shot with a Lilja Barreled 27 O’Connor, a cartridge he designed.Bob Cassell with another dandy Fall 2015 Alaskan moose shot with his Lilja barreled 6.5-284 that he gunsmithed.
A Fall 2015 Montana Tom turkey shot by Dan Lilja with an XP100 he barreled years ago in 6×47. Dan also swaged the 6mm 68 gr. bullet used to shoot the turkey and made the stock for this handgun.
2014 Season:
Our customer and friend Alex Sharif sent pictures of big game animals he’s shot in recent years using Lilja barrels – Click Here
Cory’s son Tanner shot this big tom cat in December of 2014. They chased it over dry ground for a couple of hours before it treed. Cory said it had just killed a deer before they cut its track. They got it out whole and weighed it at an even 150 pounds.
Richard’s daughter Sammie found a big female mountain lion in late December 2014.Chuck Lester of Alaska shot this big 2014 bull with his Lilja barreled .375 H&H Mag.Marv Rehbein was the winner of the 2014 Montana Super Tag for goat and shot this nice 9″ billy with his Lilja barreled 30-338 Lapua.Shannon shot this nice 2014 Montana whitetail buck with her Lilja barreled 6.5 Creedmoor.Kenneth works in our shop and shot this whitetail buck with his Lilja barreled 30-06.
Mitch works in the shop too when he isn’t going to college. He was home for Thanksgiving 2014 and worked a few days. Asked if he had a picture of his cow elk he said no but he had the head in his truck. So we took a picture… Mitch shot this elk with his Lilja barreled 30-06.
Ian shot his first deer this 2014 season hunting with Dan. Ian’s mom works in our office and Dan was happy to take the 14 year old out and help him hunt his first big game animal. And he did a great job. The buck made us wait about 15 minutes before he offered a good clear shot at under 100 yards while we waited behind a big rock.Ryan and Doug from Montana with a couple of Montana bulls they shot on a sub-zero trip in November 2014 to southwest Montana. Ryan sweeps the floors in the shop before school and his dad Cory works in the shop gundrilling and Doug did quite a few years ago. Ryan used his Lilja barreled 270 Win and Doug a .308 Win.
Bob Cassell of Alaska with his heavy, double-broomed 2014 Dall ram and a very nice 5-point Alberta whitetail buck. Bob used a Lilja barreled 7mm Rem Mag.
Dan with a 2014 Montana bighorn ram he shot with a Lilja barreled 7mm-08 at 300 yards and about 10 miles from home. To read more about this hunt – Click Here.And Dan with a wide mule deer buck shot with a Lilja barreled 340 Weatherby mag at 175 yards. He’d like to call this a 30″ buck but it is about 1/4″ too short to reach that benchmark.Adam Lilja with a good size 2014 Montana whitetail buck shot with his Lilja barreled 6.5 Grendel AR.And Dan with a whitetail doe shot at 60 yards with a M19 S&W .357 mag.Crystal with her 2014 tall Montana mule deer shot with her Lilja barreled .270 and guided by husband Rich below. She snuck up on it and shot it in its bed at 210 yards.
Carson Lilja with his 2014 Montana 5-point bull shot with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag at 150 yards and a whitetail buck shot with the same rifle but at 375 yards.
Sally Lilja with her 2014 Montana cow elk. She shot this big cow with her Lilja barreled 7mm-08 at about 200 yards in the fog. She also shot a whitetail buck with the same rifle at close to 300 yards.
Richard McDonald with his 2014 Alaska moose and dandy Montana elk both shot with his Lilja barreled .338/378
Tate Cavill with a nice Montana Rocky Mountain goat, a big Montana mule deer and elk he shot with his Lilja barreled 7mm Remington Mag. Tate had a great 2014 season!
Carson Lilja with a Montana mountain lion he shot with a .223 in January of 2014
2013 Season:
Bob Cassell from Alaska had a tremendous 2013 hunting season, capping it off with this 391 Wyoming elk! This 7×7 bull has 53″ and 54″ main beams. Bob was on a late season December hunt and when the temperature dropped below zero the big bulls started showing up. Bob used his Lilja barreled 7mm Rem Mag again to shoot this elk at about 500 yards.Dan spent a lot of time with Tanner during the 2013 season to get this cow elk. Tanner is the 13 year old son of Cory who is in charge of gundrilling and rifling in the shop. Tanner drew a cow tag and Dan volunteered to help him get it while Cory hunted with his other son. We had our chances but young hunters often need more time than the elk will provide. But we finally connected. Tanner’s smile says it all. Helping Adam below and Tanner get their elk was more fun for Dan than shooting one himself. And Tanner used his dad’s .300 Win Mag with Lilja barrel to shoot this nice big cow.Adam Lilja shot this nice 2013 Montana 5-point bull with Dan at his side on a crisp 8º November morning. We went out early and spotted the bull and some cows at daylight working their way back into the timber, feeding as they went. Our cover ended at 211 yards and one shot from Adam with the family-loaner Lilja barreled 7mm-08, with Nightforce 2.5×10 scope with FC2 reticle, and the elk was down. We like the 7mm-08 with 150 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips for deer, elk and antelope. Adam does CNC programming in the shop and is setting up a new screw machine for us now.Gabe with a beautiful Idaho California bighorn that he shot with his Lilja barreled 280AI – 337yds right through the heart.Travis Lilja with his 2013 Whitetail.Carson Lilja shot this nice November 2013 Montana 5×5 whitetail buck with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag at about 300 yards. He spotted it bedded down and shot it a little later when it stood up.Dick Williams of Montana shot this big 2013 Idaho Hells Canyon mule deer at 512 yards with his Lilja barreled .300 Win Mag.Jared Sine shot this 2013 Montana 4-point mule deer buck at 8 yards with his Lilja barreled 30-06. Jared laps barrels for us. He and his hunting partner spotted this buck a long way down a ridge. But then the fog rolled in, but the buck worked his way up the ridge and broke out of the fog just below them.Dan’s nephew Richard McDonald shot this big 2013 6×7 bull in his favorite hole using a Lilja barreled 338-378.Family friends of the Lilja’s; Shianne and brother Johnny found this 2013 Montana bull with Shianne shooting it with her Lilja barreled .270 Winchester.Dan with his 2013 gray-faced 5×7 Montana whitetail buck shot with his Lilja barreled .340 Weatherby Mag. and 250 gr. Sierra Game Kings. The scope is a Nightforce 2.5x10x32 with NP1 reticle.October 2013, construction is being completed on a new storage building. We’re making room in the main shop for some new equipment. Steel storage and bar prep prior to gundrilling will be moved to the new building making room in the main shop for new machines.
Bob Cassell sent a couple of pictures from 2013 hunts. The big mule deer was from Utah and the moose from Alaska. Bob shot both with his Lilja barreled 7mm Remington mag. When I asked him how wide the moose was he said he wasn’t sure, his tape measure in camp only went to 60″ and he hadn’t measured it at home yet. Both are very nice trophies.
Rich Kinzie from our shop shot this very nice 6-point Montana bull with his bow in September of 2013. Rich runs a cnc mill and does our fluting and AR milling.